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 Parousia and the Celestial City

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APPRENTICE (6-25 posts)
APPRENTICE (6-25 posts)

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Parousia and the Celestial City Empty
PostSubject: Parousia and the Celestial City   Parousia and the Celestial City EmptyMon Mar 30, 2015 8:23 pm

2 Peter 3:10 - "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat, both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. [v.11 : Therefore, since all things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, (12) looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? (13) Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells."]

12/21/2013 A.D. :

Recently, I happened upon a copy of Pilgrim's Progress, which is, in essence, the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to St. John Bunyan, written in the style of an action/adventure novel. (The brief biography of John Bunyan which I read, relates that on more than one occasion he was taken prisoner, and was a mischievous sort of child, who during the 17th century was led to God in various stages [phases]).

The book's main character, Christian, receives a call, a vocation, from God, to leave his city of destruction and embark on a perilous journey to the Celestial City in order to enjoy the rewards of his God-King. Burdened with sin, Christian struggles to meet with one of many characters, Interpreter, who instructs him of several things and bids Christian, "God speed."

Then Christian tearfully comes to the Cross of Christ, and the burden of his sin is removed, falling off his back into a sepulcher. Christian is then also clothed in fine raiment and given a written roll, a bible, a testament, a resolution, a tract of inspirational writing that he should present at the gate of the Celestial City so that he could be welcomed by the God-King, even though more dangers awaited him on the way.

The Courageous movie (video), this 'Resolution ' program, as well as the mentoring and follow-up programs, inclusive to release from prison, all seemingly bear a mirroring of the story of Christian's journey in Pilgrim's Progress. It is my prayer with and for you that we, too, complete this journey, successfully, with room to spare.

It also has only been recently that I have had recourse to study some particulars about the perils of our journey as those of which Christ spoke in the Gospel of St. Matthew, chapter 24. This has included facing my accusers who, much like myself prior to prayer and research, were in need of a greater understanding of events yet to come. What began as continued robbery, a refusal/failure to do automobile inspection, by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, has ended in the knowledge that a nuclear holocaust awaits us in the near future.

In 2 Peter 3:10 there is mention of a "great noise". I have been led to understand that this ' great noise' will be caused as an after effect of nuclear war. It is only through the use of such incendiaries that a global kindling could occur, much like a flour mill explosion, produced by the dense concentrations of dust and debris in the atmosphere. This explosion will be preceded by an event that some Catholic mystics have called "the three days of darkness." The build-up of fallout will cause this. I have been given the grace to draw some parallels between Christ's coming and return, specifically, His sending the same messenger firstly, and the uniqueness of each experience.

What possible reminder could the earth engulfed in darkness possibly evoke? Was not Christ in the tomb, that sepulcher of sin, for three days? Has not a great spiritual darkness already come upon men, where common murder is seen as a God serving necessity, and sexual perversion is embraced as ethical? Take away God's grace, and we will all surely perish, but this is the Judgment, the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.

The Catholic mystics tell us that the only way to see physically during the three days of darkness shall be by being in possession (and use) of both blessed (beeswax) candles and blessed matches. This means that all manner of conventional electricity will fail. What scientists must remember is that the coming of the day of the Lord has unique experiences. The agnostic/atheist scientist who has gone so far as to assume electricity to be solely of man's creation, will find him/her self without an explanation.

But all scientists will agree that the arsenal of ICBMs (inter-continental ballistic missiles) could be strong enough to cause fallout greater than the largest known natural explosion, that of Krakatoa, the volcano-island that basically disappeared after erupting in the latter 1800's, and caused worldwide visible darkening for some five days.

When nations vie for the status of having the most deadly force as regards their weaponry, Satan is literally having a picnic. As long and damaging as what is called "World War Two" was, the era of peace to come, as promised by Our Lady of Fatima's prophecy (1917), has not yet been realized in terms of the resolution of the three days of darkness, where, again, to quote the 2nd letter of St. Peter, "we . . . look for the new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells."

With such unresolved conflict, it is easy that one find writing of resolution to be a difficult task. I have noted to the group that the Resolution Program wreaks of error in the subliminal and outright disobedience to Christ's command, : "Call no man your father." I have efforted to also show that God raises, even resurrects, the sign of the Son of Man (Matt. 24:30) - that He has used my body, soul, and strength in this process, which in the past was manifested to the world in St. Elijah and St. John the Baptist.

There is need for further resolution which only time and the grace of God can bring. Let us not hasten unnecessarily, as inclusive to this resolution is the eternity which Christ has promised : (cf. John 14:2) : "I go to prepare a place for you." Christ's preparing has included His sufferings and death upon the Cross, defeating death by His death. We are assured that our Creator has spoken with resolve on the night He was betrayed to continue to work on our behalf in His promise and sending of the Holy Spirit to strengthen and guide us.

The Epistle of James (4:13-14) states : "Come now, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit' ; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away."

Let our resolution then, be that of God's resolve - past, present, and future, to learn and love of His Word, as did Christian in Pilgrim's Progress. Christ has said of our times, "All these are beginnings of sorrows," likening His 2nd Coming to the birth of a child. Let us resolve to embrace that coming Child, for it is, indeed, Our Creator and Our God.
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APPRENTICE (6-25 posts)
APPRENTICE (6-25 posts)

Posts : 12
Join date : 2014-12-23
Location : Heaven - 5/6ths Chester County, PA

Parousia and the Celestial City Empty
PostSubject: Re: Parousia and the Celestial City   Parousia and the Celestial City EmptyFri Sep 23, 2016 1:49 am

During the 'lump-sum' dumping of blessing upon the 1,335th day of Daniel 12:12, I ranked the 1,332nd, 1,333rd, and 1,334th days together as the Three Days of Darkness.

But after a good four months of respite, this is how the Lord has led me concerning the Three Days of Darkness :

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

The Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ has begun!

The Return of Our Lord is an Act of Justice, Love, and Mercy!

The Judgment is Everlasting : Eternal Peace is coming!

Great and Holy Thursday, March 24th, 2016 A.D., is the 1,290th day of Daniel 12:11.

Ascension Sunday, May 8, 2016 A.D., is the 1,335th day of Daniel 12:12 (cf. Malachi 4:5).

The First Year of Judgment began September 1, 2015 A.D. (the Final Day of Indiction) and the following First Sunday of Advent, November 29, 2015 A.D.

The warning sign for the Three Days of Darkness is November 16, 2016 A.D., the beginning of the Leonid meteor shower.

The final window for the Three Days of Darkness is November 24th through November 26th, 2016 A.D.

The First Sunday of Advent, November 27th, 2016 A.D., is the Day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5), the Day of the Great Illumination, the Day of Triumph for the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the conversion of Russia, the end of World War III, and the fulfillment of the 2,300 day cleansing period of Daniel 8:14.

It is the day foretold that the world would be saved through Our Lady's Brown Scapular and Holy Rosary.

Satan and his minions have been cast into hell (to be temporarily released during the Three Days of Darkness).

During the countdown to the fulfillment of Daniel 12:12 which was, is, and shall forever be, Ascension Sunday, May 8, 2016 A.D., I began to include the 2,300th day of Daniel 8:14 as equating to the same date, including any future blessing with the blessing of Daniel 12:12.

The Lord was leading me to the 1,335th day but was going to give me a break and he didn't want me to forget the final computation to the end.

So the counting for those 2,300 days began August 11, 2010 A.D., which is completed by the First Sunday of Advent for the Second Year of the Judgment, November 27, 2016 A.D.

Recently there has been a rise in articles regarding the Three Days of Darkness.

A warning sign 8 (eight) days prior is due to come so that all may prepare : November 16, 2016 A.D., the beginning of the Leonid meteor shower.

November 23, 2016 A.D. is also supposed to be exceptionally cold.

The Three Days of Darkness are November 24th through the 26th, 2016 A.D.

A passing of a soul to eternal life was necessary each for the interpretation of the 1,335th day of Daniel 12:12 and the Three Days of Darkness.

Regular updates to the countdown to the Three Days of Darkness :


editing note :

This is actually how I had introduced "Parousia and the Celestial City" (as a later addenda added to the front of the original post) :

As of this edit at ca. 10:24 AM EDST :

The Three Days of Darkness are occurring now and will end with the coming sunrise of Ascension Sunday morning, May 8, 2016 A.D., which is the 2,300th day in the Book of Daniel, chapter 8, verse 12, which is the same day as the 1,335th day in the Book of Daniel, chapter 12, verse 12.

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